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Gary Ballance, ex-England star apologizes to Azeem Rasiq for using 'unacceptable' and racist language in Yorkshire

GARY Ballance has apologized to Azeem Rasiq for using "unacceptable" and racist language while they were together at Yorkshire.

Balance, an ex-england batsman, met Rafiq this week and accepted his apology.

Gary Ballance apologized to Azeem Rasiq for his "unacceptable, racist language"

Rafiq believes that Ballance should be allowed continue with his life

Rafiq believes Ballance should be allowed to rebuild his cricket career in Yorkshire, as he has not been a part of the first-team cricket team for Yorkshire this summer.

Ballance is still not allowed to play for England.

Ballance stated: "I wanted to meet Azeem in real life for a while but needed to be in a good position to do so.

"Azeem, who has also been through similar mental-health issues, understands why it has taken me so long.

"I am sorry to Azeem for using offensive language when we played together. I used unacceptable, sometimes racist language.

"I would have stopped if I knew how badly this hurt Azeem.

"That's why he wanted to meet me this week, and make it clear in person that I had no malice.

"That's no excuse. I realize that the language I used was incorrect."

Rafiq replied: "I would love to thank Gary. With these words, he has done a tremendous service to cricket and the fight against racists.

"Gary has been courageous to tell the truth, and I can understand why he has not made this apology sooner.

"Gary should be commended for his honesty...and must now be allowed the freedom to continue his life."

Ballance and Rafiq were best friends, who socialized together often.

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